How to Spot Sex Trafficking in Your Home Rental

Session Description:

2021 VR Women’s Summit: How to Spot Sex Trafficking in Your Home Rental(s) with Margaret Cascio and Michelle Marquis

The hospitality industry unwittingly plays a part in sex trafficking around the world and, more importantly, in our own backyards. With philanthropic partners, Sudara and The Guardian Group, this session will 1) review the latest data of this global epidemic, 2) share how to identify and prevent trafficking, and 3) identify the best ways to engage the authorities if you or your team suspect something is wrong. Attendees will take home new awareness and communication tactics to disrupt the sex trafficking of women and children. Learn to be a part of the solution, not the problem.


Margaret Cascio, Head of Revenue, Sudara
Michelle Marquis, Chief Revenue Officer, TravelNet Solutions


Margaret Cascio is an experienced sales, marketing, client, and partnership executive focused on creating meaningful engagement and value, both inside and outside impact brands and non-profit organizations.

As a former hospitality operator, Michelle Marquis has first-hand insight into the challenges facing hotels, resorts, and property managers. This gives her the background to understand how TravelNet Solutions technology can help give operators a more scalable, profitable, and efficient business. TravelNet’s ascension from a single product company, many years ago, to a market-leading technology company that offers a complete solution from creating consumer demand to managing all of a property’s operations, gives their clients a competitive edge.

More about Sudara: Sudara is an Oregon-based Benefit Corporation with a heart for empowering people and changing the world. Their mission is to create living-wage jobs for women in India and have a deep, generational impact for survivors of sex trafficking and their families.

More about TravelNet Solutions: TNS is on a mission to transform how hospitality works. Their Atlas digital marketing, website, and booking services help vacation rentals, hotels, and resorts drive more direct business. Their flagship Track platform modernizes and unifies all aspects of your operation from owners to guests, and from housekeeping to accounting. Modern tools have leveled the playing field, but the game has changed, and you can’t grow by playing it the same way. Capture and convert more guest leads, operate more smoothly, and outperform your competition with TNS.

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